Broward Health will start 2019 with a political and practical slack tide, a short period that is completely unstressed. This period occurs before the newly elected state and local political, and governmental forces are settled with their organizational transitions. I followed Broward Health’s activities generally since 1996 and intently since 2011. Never during that time… Continue reading Slack tide comes to Broward Health
Author: Dan
Ding, dong. Broward Health’s Wicked Witch is Dead
‘ Beginning just before the September 26 Board meeting, things began to change at Broward Health precipitated by the completely unfounded and unprecedented, personal attack against Commissioner Klein by corporate counsel Lynn Barrett. Change, primarily because Chairperson Klein had the temerity to exercise his oversight responsibilities and question Corporate Counsel Barrett. Barrett, never particularly willing to… Continue reading Ding, dong. Broward Health’s Wicked Witch is Dead
Finally, Sunny Days come to Broward Health
Beginning at the Board meeting scheduled for October 31stat 12:30 pm, sunny days will come to Broward Health with live streaming and online archiving of all Board committee and regular Board meetings – or so I have been told. Mind you, I do not have an online link for live streaming, nor do I see… Continue reading Finally, Sunny Days come to Broward Health
‘Broward Health: “Les Jeux sont faits.”’
In 1943, the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre published a screenplay based on the common casino gambling expression; “the bets have been placed” or “Les Jeux sont faits!” The plot concerns two characters, Pierre Dumaine and Ève Charlier. They are predestined to be soulmates, but this destiny is prevented by their premature violent deaths, and they do not… Continue reading ‘Broward Health: “Les Jeux sont faits.”’
Feckless Broward Health Board Gulps the Cool-Aid
‘I’m trying to understand why I am so angry tonight after spending most of the afternoon and early evening at a pair of Broward Health Board Meetings. I don’t think that the fact the Board, after a transparent charade, would choose now indicted and under an ethical cloud Interim CEO Capasso as Broward Health’s permanent… Continue reading Feckless Broward Health Board Gulps the Cool-Aid
Christopher Ure tries to derail Broward health CEO selection, again!
Broward Health Special Board Meeting 1/23/18- 2nd set of CEO Interviews Today I attended and recorded the Broward Health Board interview of the last two of four CEO finalists. That is four of some 4-600 applicants for the CEO job at Broward Health. Both candidates today were exceptional. In my view, all four candidates –… Continue reading Christopher Ure tries to derail Broward health CEO selection, again!
Broward Health Board Interviews First Two CEO Finalists
After more than two years of searching for a permanent Chief Executive Officer, the Broward Health Board began its interview process today with the first two of four finalists. Perhaps the seminal moment came at the end of each interview with a question from Chairman Rodreguez. He asked plainly – where does quality start [at… Continue reading Broward Health Board Interviews First Two CEO Finalists
Barrett Continues to Purge Top Broward Health Employees
The week began with a public records lawsuit against Broward Health, then came news that the vacationing Senior Vice president Broward Health personal director Dionne Wong had resigned, then CEO of Broward Health’s flagship hospital – Broward Medical, was forced out. Although I do not, as yet have copies of their severance agreements – I… Continue reading Barrett Continues to Purge Top Broward Health Employees
OMG – Nabil El Sanadi’s First 5 Months!
‘I’ve taken a little time since my last post to talk with a few Broward Health Board members, some senior Broward Health physicians, and some notably well informed people who work for or with Broward Health. The consensus picture they paint of Dr. Nabil El Sanadi’s first 5 months as CEO is peppered by his… Continue reading OMG – Nabil El Sanadi’s First 5 Months!
The Best Broward Health CEO contract politics can buy!
There is little doubt that Dr. Nabil El Sanadi is as ambitious as any Wall Street wolf. Taking the political route for career advancement, Dr. Nabil El Sanadi and his wife Lori contributed tens of thousands of dollars to secure his very lucrative political appointments, including “Medical Director” to Broward Sheriff’s Office, the City of… Continue reading The Best Broward Health CEO contract politics can buy!