Some Broward Health board members and senior staff (in particular, clueless CEO – Dr. Nabil El Sanadi) ostensibly wants the public to think that what they do is none of anyone’s business. They view the sunshine laws and transparency mandated by statute as only an aggravation they must grudgingly and not happily endure. When these few… Continue reading It’s none of your business! Really?
Broward Health – Deja Vu, all over again!
‘Historically, Florida’s Broward Health was used a cash register for the politically connected where everything from lucrative land deals, insider supply & service procurement’s, to outrageous physician contracts given to cliques of gate-keeping physicians were the rule and not the exception for our public hospital. Typified by a revolving door of politically appointed CEO’s more… Continue reading Broward Health – Deja Vu, all over again!
Broward Health – It’s Our Hospital
This article will focus on Broward Health physicians. I thought Florida’s Broward Health’s well-earned reputation for corruption and based on outside political and moneyed interests was overstated. I was wrong.